كلمات اغنية Surpreyez قصي خضر

الكاتب: ولاء الحمود -
كلمات اغنية Surpreyez قصي خضر

كلمات اغنية Surpreyez قصي خضر.

Ready or not, Ozone is taking over
Position on the front line stand like a soldier
Got you hanging our map on the wall like a poster
Your mind is playing tricks on you like a roller coaster
There is no competition cuz we’re players of the same team
But the hate has blinded you, and that’s far as you can see
I’m speaking on behalf of my people overseas
We have no choice … Why call it democracy?
Follow the instructions … Don Legend introduction
Conjunction junction … What’s your function?
To illustrate as I’m entering your premises
Violating properties with bunch of hypocrites
I’m the # 1 contender … The Middle East representer
From spring to fall … From summer to winter
When I enter the center, I’ll be my people’s defender
A Taurus and a Gemini signs mixed in the blender
اسم الاغنية : Surpreyez
كاتب الاغنية : غير معروف
ملحن الاغنية : غير معروف
غناء : قصي خضر
شارك المقالة:
156 مشاهدة
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